Tuesday, 19 July 2011

The Fruits of My Labour

I recently sent Tjalling the following interview:
  1. Did you "make" your own Comfy in Nautica?
  2. What is your favourite Panda Bear song?
  3. Which Panda Bear song do you find least objectionable?
  4. Surely you must like Winter's Love, or ... er ... Bros.
  5. Can you guess what you're getting for your birthday?
I was expecting similar responses to last time. Initially, this appeared to be the case. His e-mail began:
my 'i wish' responses 
  1. No
  2. the answer to number 3
  3. the answer to number 2
  4. No
  5. Yes
Aside from the paradoxical responses to questions 2 and 3, I guess this is what I expected. After all, who can really hope to convince their friend of the beauty of some music through a blog, especially one as poorly ... hang on ... what's this ... his e-mail continued.

suppose i'll try for you, but only because it is you....
  1. No 
  2. its actually an Analmal collective song....i'm sure you'll allow me this because it is the very first positive response... 'Hey Light' is pretty damn good.
    good live
  3. ummmm 
  4. technically winters love is ok... for the first 20 seconds... then the next 20 seconds of the next bit... best youtube comment for this song:
this was on a film called "short bus" during which homosexuals were having hot anal intercourse.>animal collective fans confirmed for non-straight atheists.  mmmmmhmmmm yup theryare

'no homo'
WooooOOOoooohOOOOOooo! Technically, Winters Love is ok. Tjalling (kind of) likes Panda Bear! 
Technically, this song is ok.
Wow, I guess I can now let this blog rest, and get started on my PhD: Reasons you should love Kant.

Monday, 18 July 2011

No More Runnin

About a week ago, I woke up with this song firmly stuck in my head. I have not been able to shake it. From Merriweather:

What a song. As with Kids on Holiday, Avey Tare takes the lead, whilst Panda Bear Panda Bear's in the background. Surely Tjalling will love this.

 I lost my virginity to this song.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Kids on Holiday

One of my favourite Animal Collective songs.

Avey Tare takes the lead, whilst Panda drums and harmonises in the background.
I have 3 versions of this that I'd like to share. 

1) Studio
2) Live. A lengthy melodic rendition.
3) Live in Paris (2005). 1 minute of chaos and energy.

I love this last version. I enjoy how the band lets go, and Panda just remains in the background harmonising.